Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hello All, Remix (the after school program for Kindergardners-6th grade at LBC - Lake Burien Presbyterian Church) went really well. After working at Emerald City Smoothie, I walked from town to the church and arrived right at 4:30. I found Sarah, "the leader" of Remix, and she put me to work instantly. She introduced me to a little hispanic boy named Joel, and I got to help him with his reading homework. I also ended up helping a little girl named Angel (also a beautiful hispanic) with her math. The kid were shy, and I was nervous...but after about 10 minutes, we warmed up to eachother and ended up having a lot of fun. As soon as the kids were done with their homework, and I walked over to the kitchen with girl (whom I forgot her name :S) who also works in the kitchen. A women named Melinda put me to work setting up the tables, and getting condments ready for tacos. Margarita, a woman full of the joy of the Lord, (and who is the head of all things kitchen) pulled me aside to explain why the girl I walk over with, was working in the kitchen. Turns out she has had a really rough past, and though she is too old for the after school program, she desperately needs people to love her, and treat her kindly, and with respect...Thus, they allow her to help out in the kitchen. She works hard, and keeps mostly to herself, but I am excited to get to know her more. I'm hoping she will allow me to be a part of her life, and I hope in some way I can show her that I love her, and that Jesus loves her...and that she is beautiful and valuable. That she IS worthy of love and respect. That she is someone...with hopes and dreams and desires, and that is she cared about. She matters.

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