Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I may make plans, but God directs my feet

Only 31 days till I'm in the Philippines! Praise the Lord! I am so excited!!!

God is amazing. Just this sunday some missionaries from the Philippines came to my church, and I was able to meet with them and get some very valuable information. Not to mention meet some of the nicest people ever! Their names are Bruce and Xinia. Bruce is a boeing drop out (I keep telling my Dad to quit boeing and a get a job he actually enjoys), and his wife Xinia is from Costa Rica. Both of them are quite amazing; Xinia speaks four languages! Spanish, English, Tagalog, and Maginadanise. I got to practice all of them on her. haha. The three or four words I know of each anyways.

Meeting them was a huge blessing, I feel so much more prepared for our trip. One thing I learned, is if a filippino offers me food, they don't really mean it unless they offer it to me three times. I was warned not to accept any food that wasn't offered three times, and that I should offer my food to those around me. It's a courtesy thing.

I also loved hearing their stories. Just two weeks before they came back to America, one of their filippino friends offered them her baby. I could tell both Bruce and Xinia wanted the little guy very much. They showed us a picture; he is beautiful! All filippinos are incredibly beautiful. Most inside and out. I can not wait to be there!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My first blog ever

I have incredibly enjoyed reading my friend's blogs, so I thought to myself, I should probably have a blog too. Ya know, so when people ask me "How was your trip?" They get more than "Awesome!" If they read my blog...

Problem is - the places I go don't normally have internet. But i like it that way - off the grid.

Last summer I was in Kenya for a couple weeks. Yup, it was awesome. The year before that Mexico, and the year before that Alaska. I must say, Alaska is where God completely changed my life, and who I am, and has made me a new creation. I haven't been able to stop loving God since. Yes I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. I have my up and downs, but no matter what I do, God hasn't let go of me, and that completly amazes. Who am I, that he cares? Sometimes, I can't even stand myself.

I am going through a pretty intense time in my life - parents divorce, trying to finish highschool with good grades and an AA, choosing a college, SAT, my relationship with God, etc.

The only thing that's keeping me sane is well God's love for me. How is he showing his love to me right now? letting me go the philippines! YES! SO EXCITED! I've wanted to go to the philippines so bad, for a long time! To make a long story short, my trip, which i'm taking with my older brother Stephen, is only going to be two weeks; it was going to be a full month. At first I was deeply disappoint, but now i'm just grateful I get to go!

It will be my first trip to Asia, and the expectations are very high for us. I'm a little bit anxious about it, but i'm trying to trust God. I keep feeling like "Hey, I'm not Billy Grahm!" They want me to give my testimony on the radio, to a school of 800 kids, and the orphanage. Now first off, I've always been awful at giving my testimony, and second of all...that's alot of people. What will I say?
"'Ah, sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.' But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say 'I am only a Child' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid, For I am with you... Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, 'Now I have put my words in your mouth.' See today, I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."

Wow. So I gotta trust God that is for sure. There is so much to trust him about. I find myself worrying if I can trust God, but God says not to worry!

And they want me to cook...I'm American. Enough said.

So right now, amist all my turmoiling emotions and thoughts - I have a strange sense of peace. I am so blessed to be all the places I have been, and see all the faces I have seen...