Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lessons from a Pumpkin Roll.

My goodness! It has been an incredible past couple a days! First off, Weds. I woke up with huge ambitions to run, but took one look at the freezing cold rain pouring down, and decided against it; and decided to spend some time with God instead. I read Jonah, a book in the bible I don't normally appreciate because I feel like in the end, the wicked people get away with doing bad things... But God showed me they don't; and reminded me that those people he saved were more than just "wicked people." They were people too. They made mistakes, and maybe a few really bad choices, but who doesn't? God has the amazing ability to see our hearts; and sees us apart from the things we do. *We are more than the choices we make. I am not a bad person, because I do bad things (well maybe if I did them habitually) but in this case, God was showing me that he can still (and does) punish the sin, but redeems the person. Therefore the wicked do not get away with doing bad things - the bad things get punished, but you and I are not - We go free! (Ponder this: it will amaze you.) [God is not a big angry man, trying to punish you for everything slighty off key thing you've ever done...Any condemnation we feel is from ourselves or the devil, not from God. God loves us. He desires the absolute best for us. (Just like we don't allow our dogs to chew off their legs just because they have flees, God sometimes has to put us in a cone - allow us to be uncomfortable for a bit - while he works to get rid of the pesky problem makers that cause us to harm ourselves.) Don't get it? Sin is death. It eats away at us, makes us miserable, and kills us. God is trying to remove sin from our lives to make us happier, healthier people. He wants to give us life, and he wants us to enjoy our lives! To the FULLEST (John 10:10).] I thought of this again today when I made a pumpkin yule log (a major accomplishment for me!). At first the log was just a rolled up cake. Nothing too fancy...but then you cut off each end, and sprinkle powered sugar on top, and the cake is transformed into a beautiful work of art; (the delicious edible kind!). Well the cake may be upset with you for taking off parts of it that it may have been quite fond of, but the end result reveals a much more beautiful cake! The beauty was there all along, it was just hidden. God sees who we are. He sees our "hidden beauty." He knows who he created us to be, and choses to see that instead of who we make ourselves out to be. I have found that the more I press into God, the more I realize he is not mad at me, or out to get me. Quite the opposite actually; he wants to take care of me. I am not a failure in his eyes (nor are you). I am someone worth fighting for (so are you). He also promises to never leave or abandon us. He's going to stick it out till the end; nevering giving up on us. Here's some comfort food for the soul: "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13. Isaiah 66:13 . "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over...” Joshua 1:5,9 " I will never leave you nor forsake you." "...the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." If you read this, I believe God is trying to get your attention: take heart, he loves you!

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